CINESTILL BWxx 120 (Double-X negative) ISO 250

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  • 1 roll of CINESTILLFILM BWxx 120

CineStill BwXX 120 is a classic black and white panchromatic negative film for outdoor and indoor/studio use. Similar to the legendary Kodak Plus-X and Tri-X emulsions, it is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a classic film with high-level performance and versatility. It has a variable base sensitivity of 250 under daylight conditions (5500K) and 200 under tungsten lighting conditions (3200K). Ideal for low-light situations, this film offers rich blacks and a wide range of tonal transitions, as well as providing very high sharpness, crisp micro contrast and fine grain structure. This film stock has remained relatively unchanged since its release in 1959 for motion picture use.

Some of the iconic films shot on the classic Eastman Double-X 5222 film include: The Lighthouse (2019), Raging Bull (1980), Schindler's List (1993), Stranger Than Paradise (1984), Memento (2000), Kafka (1991), Casino Royale (2006), I'm Not There (2007), Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003), Manhattan (1979), Cinderella (2005), Aferim! (2015), Frantz (2016), American Horror Story (2011-2017) and many more.

For all the silver halide enthusiasts out there, we hope you'll have as much fun as we do!

FEATURES · Black and white negative film · Variable speed (ISO 200-800) 120 format · Classic cinematic look · Rich tonality · Excellent sharpness

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